Saturday, November 17, 2012

Perspective... again


My running nursing school mate, SomeChick, and I say it to each other all the time.

"You thought yesterday was bad...?"
(insert inappropriate cock joke here)
"... perspective. now you have it"

Many of you know, I've been struggling with injury. I am fond of saying that one never knows how bad it is until you really absolutely can't do the thing you love to do. That's where perspective really kicks ass. I've been doing a bit of running here and there, but recreationally, because I wasn't cleared to run any real distances.

Huh. How odd.

So I ran.
Not because I had to, or there was a race looming, or because if I didn't I would die or implode or explode... but, because I wanted to run, so I'd go run.

I even found a runner in my class who is a compatible runner. oh yeah. I liken it to finding a christmas present before christmas... an unexpected gift in the least likely location.

She's got guts. I admire that in a runner.

In theory, she's a bit slower than I am on the run. She's been working hard the last few weeks though, and the pace difference hasn't been noticeable at all. In fact, this week, we pushed each other. We had one of those runs where we finished, and spontaneously hugged each other on the street in front of Caliente.

Yes, we may have been giggling.

Probably we were high. er. make that Definitely we were high. And throwing out, "I love you man" like a bunch of drunk frat boys.

Oh hell. I might STILL be high off that run.
It f*cking rocked.

At that moment, on the street, wrapped in the hug of my classmate... I knew without a doubt that Paulo was right.

“Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.” 

I just needed perspective...

So, My Run is back. I'm medically cleared to train by my physician. And, while my cycling obsession probably won't end, at least now I have options.

I'm cleared to train, and while that is a great thing, I think running because I can sounds really appealing.

Perspective... oh yeah. I've got it.


Unknown said...

Did you say you are caliente? That's what I thought.

gba_gf said...

LOL... go read urban dictionary on that one... It's not a direct translation.

gba_gf said...

LOL... go read urban dictionary on that one... It's not a direct translation.