Recently I was talking to The (washed-up) Mayor and he said
something that really startled me...
He implied that he was not fast enough to be considered in
the same league as me and my running
Um, WTF? That’s insane.
Are there some sick athletes among us? Hellz to the Yeah.
Do I consider myself one of them? Not really.
Does speed define one's BadAssery? B*tch Please.
Does speed define one's BadAssery? B*tch Please.
I’m just a runner who runs for the love of the sport. I am not particularly athletic. In fact, I was
once told that what I Lack in Speed, I make up for in my expertise on the "Running
I’m a run Guru; I’m not a BQ.
But yeah, I'm a Galactic BadAss and I OWN THAT SH*T.
But yeah, I'm a Galactic BadAss and I OWN THAT SH*T.
Still, though, when he pointed out that he wasn’t as fast or
as athletic as the running crew I chase every week, and that he wasn't a "runner" like me, it made me question whether
or not I come off as a running snob or something.
Do I? Am I the runner girl version of Draco Malfoy? Am I
coming off as an elitist?
I hope not, because if I am, I have not represented myself
very well lately.
My personal belief is deep rooted in the idea that for every
runner there is a (race distance)(trail)(non-race)(route) that will meet their
particular needs. That is one of the things that makes running SO great.
Anyone can find a
way to make this sport THEIR own personal FLAVOR. It just happens that right
now my flavor is the kind that comes with wizards and a coffee shop.
Of course, this is a
running blog. I love running. I could wax poetic about why running is the Cat’s
Meow all day long.
For years.
have, in fact, essentially done that.
When he said it my gut response was to say, “But
that’s silly. You are athletic. You run for your reasons; I run for mine.
That doesn’t make one of us a better runner, it just makes us unique in the way
we practice our sport.”
After all - my “running peeps” and I don’t necessarily run
for the same reasons, even though we run together. And by together I mean I
chase them and they come back for me. Or something like that.
Even runners training together for a BQ are not running for
the same reason. Everyone has their own story that makes their BQ dream unique.
All the contemplating made me really consider the Why behind
my run these days?
My answer is varied and complex. Why do I run? Primarily because my children
will sell me on ebay if I don’t... and also I’m obsessed with it... and because
it’s the “thing that gets me high” instead of illegal drugs. I run so I can drink Starr Hill and not look like I drink
Starr Hill.
Oh, and I like running...
even when I hate it. And I like the
anticipation when it’s about to start. And I like the feeling of finality when
it’s over. And most of the time I like the steps in between where I wrestle
with my pace and my self-worth does battle with my self-doubt.
Ultimately my run is my hobby, my therapy, my therapist, and
my drug. ~ like a love sick crack head ~
I run for 10,001 reasons. And maybe they’re similar to
yours, and maybe they’re not, but at the core, if you believe you are a runner,
then you are a runner.
~savor the run~
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