Thursday, September 6, 2012

RePost: A Letter.

It's the Thursday before my race.  I'm doing a HALF DISTANCE TRIATHLON ON SATURDAY.  Holy crap. I have lost my mind.

I mean, AWESOME, I AM AWESOME....  I started to FREAK OUT, and then... I thought about those letters I write during the Taper.
Jess says I need to write myself a letter..... she's pretty wise.  She's probably right.  My letters are freaktastic...

Ok.  So what do I know about me... because that's usually how I start a letter.  I think about what I know about the runner I'm writing for...  and so knowing me, what would I tell me?

Dear Galactically BadA** gf,

“At every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss.”
― Paulo Coelho

Paulo is my favorite.  Probably because he's pretty much a genius.  And he rocks.  And ~ yeah ~ he gets it.

GBA_gf....  You freaking rock.   You rock like Paulo.

You'd rather epically fail trying for excellence than fully succeed at mediocrity.  No. Problem.  Mediocrity is so not your thing anyway.

And you KNOW that about you.  So capitalize on that knowledge.  Set the bar high and FREAKING reach for it.  

It's time to do this like a NIKE ad.

...but still, it's always a plan to review a few key points... no time for a power point presentation here...  We're just going to have to wing it.

Galactically Bada** is not just a catch phrase. It's a state of being.
You did not train for twenty weeks not to bring it on race day.
The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself... and chaffing.
Don't tackle the Red Shirts, chick them like you mean it.
Believe in yourself under all circumstances.
Run the race you've trained to run.
Make that bridge your bitch.
You do this cos it's hard.
Respect the distance.
This is your season.
Be in the moment.
Try not to suck.
Savor the run.
Always epic.

gba gf


fancy nancy said...

Love it!!! You do rock!

Meredith said...

You are amazing and your race will be amazing! So excited for you and cannot wait to read the play by play! Hugs and love to you!

Jessica (Pace of Me) said...

you DO rock! in every single way.
i am so excited for you and am truly amazed by what you are about to do and all that you have done to prepare for it. go get it!!!

bobbi said...

Dude, you know how I feel about you, how I feel about this race, what I know you can do.

But in case you've forgotten, I BELIEVE in you. Now, go KILL it!

Unknown said...

um seriously you are the motivating queen! If I were you I'd be feelin pretty awesome!

YOU are going to do amazing. YOU are going to accomplish what you've set out to do and YOU my new friend, are going to enjoy a feeling like no other.

Enjoy the WHOLE journey!!