Are you Galactically BadA**?
Want to show off your "team spirit" in a family friendly way?
I have a limited number of these:
4X4 sticker's available for purchase.
Let me stress again, there is a limited number available.
$5 for Orange, $6 for Pink (because yes, the pink really were more expensive to make). Any proceeds (not a WHOLE lot of over head) go to Colleen's Autism 5K fund raising efforts.
I want a pink one! Do I mail you a check?
LOVE them. My BRF and I each need an orange one, please! Deets on purchasing?
sold. orange, please. since you have limited i will just buy one. but if you are looking to sell more, i will buy more :o) i have some GBA honey badgers in these parts who would love them. xxoo
Not sure when Collen's autism 5k is, but have you considered hosting a virtual race as a fundraiser? thoughts, just thoughts...
CJ - my e-mail is nmomof3 at gmail dot come
I'm interested in a pink one!
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