Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stand HERE

I hate not knowing where I stand.  It's so darned frustrating for me.  I'm a planner.  I have 3 kids...  I have to be a planner or things won't happen the way they're supposed to, you know?  I can't really get into this... the stalker that reads my blog... the one who takes everything personally will think this is about them.  The truth is, that person couldn't be further from the truth.  This is all about me me me.... I would say, I'll just stand here so I'm out of the way, but that's ridiculous.  I don't have time to just stand around.

This week is a really big week here at Chez Moi.

First off, It's March 28th and I am out.... of skirts.  Yup.  2 runs left for the month, and nothing to wear... guess I'll have to run nekkid tomorrow...

...or I could wear something twice in the same month, coz NO ONE wants to see this running nekkid.  *resist the urge to comment*

It's true though, I have almost enough skirts to get through a whole month without doubling up.  Some are pretty aged, but I'm hanging onto most of them.  There are TWO that have to go.  The one doesn't *cough cough* fit where it's supposed to anymore.  I think it strategically stretched.  RIP Black Cheetah Skirt.

...and RIP Pink Navy Skirt...  ~sniff~ ... ew... actually, sniff is right.  It's just punk, and I own enough skirts that I don't need a skirt that's scented with punk....

Secondly, I'm registering for classes in a few days, and my fall schedule is going to suck.  There are two possible options for me that will suck less though...  so I'm hopeful that I'm able to get into one of those two options.  The one schedule front loads my week.  I'm afraid I'm going to be a raving lunatic by Wednesday every week, but (BUT) it would give me a free-ish day late in the week for neato things like family time and homework and ~gasp~ personal time.  Hopefully when I log in to register I'm able to get the block I want...  Barring any computer hang ups....

Thirdly... I'm racing a 10K on Saturday.  It was supposed to be the race where I crushed my goal like my 8K last fall.  But instead it's been more social training/injury recovery/stress release than actual UBER TRAINING like I envisioned.  I'm likely going to be TWO MINUTES off my goal...  yeah, a LOT in a 10K.  BUT, I'm going to race it to the best of my abilities.  One day I'm going to look back and say, "That was one of the worst weeks of my life, and I still managed to run a XX:XX 10K...  I'm definitely galactically bada**."

Finally...  I think, really, there's some famous last words out there that apply to my life.  Probably going with, "...hey, what else could happen?"

~savor the run~


Unknown said...

I like that, social training.

Good luck in your 10k! I just started liking that distance a few weeks ago.

Kortni said...

How crazy that you own that many skirts. I think you need to take a picture for us all to see them.

Good luck this weekend!

Michelle @ said...

Best of luck in your race! You got this!

Meredith said...

Sweet G, I'd like to say I'm happy for you that you have so many skirts. But, I'm actually a little envious :)

And that 10K? You're going to crush it. Completely crush it. Can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're still posting. You scared me for a moment with your other post. I haven't been following along for long, but I enjoy reading what you write. Hope to read more! Good luck on the 10K!

Michelle said...

I'm ready to start stalking the a** who thinks that YOUR blog is about THEM! Let me' attem!
Hoping for a good schedule for you and that little run of yours this weekend....I bet you surprise yourself. That slogging does wonders!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I'm not surprised that you have almost enough skirts to go all month. Good for you for finding out which ones you love and which ones can be retired.

I hope you enjoy your race. I think you will have so much fun that you will unknowingly cruise to a new PR!

Classes again. You are such a brave girl. I can barely survive the 5th grade with my daughter!