Wednesday, February 29, 2012

31 Days

I realized that I'm a glutton.

I have too many running skirts in my life.

~gasp~ is that even possible?  Yes, yes it really is possible.  My cup overfloweth with skirt.

My challenge this month is that I'm going to wear a different skirt for every day that I run.  I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking, "how is THAT possibly going to work?"


I have 23 skirts.  There are 31 days in March, of which there will be 22 run days.

At the end of March I will know which ones are my favorites, and which ones I can safely get rid of... because if nothing else, there's going to be one skirt that is completely neglected at the end of this month.

I reserve the right to wear a repeat skirt on March 31, because it's a race day, and I need to wear something that doesn't piss me off too much or something.  Though, I might just see if I can save a good skirt for that day from the get-go.

~savor the run~


Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

23 Skirts! Wow! It's like your retirement fund, if you could get good resale value on used running skirts. ;-)

Rene' said...

LOL!!! I can't part with any of mine! Are you going to post a picture for everyday?

bobbi said...

Damn. I have 3 that fit. I need to work on that.

Kortni said...


carrie said...

Sweet! I WISH I had that problem! I have 3 skirts and I only love one of them!!! Way to rock the skirt this month.

Marie said...

GET OUT! 23 skirts?!! I have 8! I LOVE running skirts! I can't wait to see all the different skirts you have. What a fun challenge!

Char said...

A worthy challenge. May the best skirt(s) win.

Dani said...

I can see how easy it is to accumulate them...I have 5 and have my eye on 4 more! And I agree--you nneed to take a picture of each of the skirts!!!

Mom's Home Run said...

I love this because I love running skirts. I applaud you for having so many. I've only got about 5.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I always made a little bit of fun at the whole running skirt thing, but then I got one. Now it is one of my favorite things to wear. A good lesson in not judging things until you try them..... Where do you get yours? The ones I have seen around here seem way overpriced for what you get.

Ewa said...

I say keep them all, use them up till they are falling apart.
I am with Rene on the picture a skirt. :)

(hate blogger's two word verification! try #3)