Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Triathletes are HOT

A few weeks ago I was supposed to RSVP for...

let me start over.

Last week I was supposed to attend an RRRC Banquet.  I kind of wanted to go.

I have volunteered about 30 hours with the club in the last year.  I know 150 or more members off the top of my head.   The Out Going Prez is a close friend.  I should have gone.

And not only that, I write for the magazine.

There's a scene in When Harry Met Sally where Carrie Fisher unknowingly quotes the character played by Bruno Kirby back to himself.  It's a great moment where he says, "I wrote that!"  Well, I have had a very eerily similar thing happen to me.  So I thought, I might like to go to that RRRC event and rub elbows with the people who read the magazine I write for....  narcissistic?  maybe.


Smoldering Laura, GBA gf, Tanny, & DeeR
Anyway, one thing lead to another, and I opted out of the RSVP.

One day I will tell you all about it.  But not today.

I was feeling a little sad actually.  Until my DeeR friend msg'd me and asked me to be her date at her Triathlete function the same night.

Fate stepped in, and I pretty much said, "HELLZ YEAH".

I had no dress, but no worries, because I belong to a group of women called, "sisterhood of the traveling dresses".  SpeeDee hooked me up, and I was off to the Richmond Tri Club Bash.

The evening started with a cocktail with SpeeDee & BOB, her awesome H at The Jefferson Hotel.  I love BOB.  He deserves a million kisses for his behavior on Saturday.  But they're going to have to come from SpeeDee, cos I don't kiss other people's H's, red shirt or not.

Then I went on and met DeeR at the dinner, which was hilarious because I walked around introducing myself all night as "DeeR's date, BRAD".

SpeeDee & g.
I love this photo.
I drank WAY too much wine, to the point where I got to hang out at the party a little longer than I intended while I let the alcohol burn off!

It's ok, I visited with the silent auction items & stuff.  I met a lot of people I spent the summer body marking and removing chips from, and you know what's funny?  Quite a few people remembered me from all that nonsense & giggling.

I had a wonderful evening.  So much that I got a lot of pressure from the Hot Triathletes to join them at a race this summer.  And I most certainly WILL be there...

Body Marking hot Triathletes is one of my favorite contact body sports.


Anonymous said...

That looks pretty swanky! I guess triathletes know how to throw a party. :)

Jill said...

Hey PRETTY LADY, you look stunning! I couldn't agree more with your post title!

bobbi said...

I think I need to volunteer as a body marker at a triathlon. For real.

Char said...

t's nice that you got to dress up and go out even if it wasn't the evening of narcissism and ego-stroking that you'd hoped for. Sounds like it was a great evening.

Jen said...

I miss you! And yes, triathletes ARE hottt'

Michelle @ said...


Dee said...

Well I had the hottest date there, like my blog entry about it said, if I ever decide to bat for the other team, Ginny you'd be the one lol! Glad you had fun, I had a ball too!!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Wow you look awesome!