Friday, January 30, 2009

The Pinnacle of my multitasking mommyhood

A few months ago I joined a running team, as most of you know.  And it was aptly named Run Like A Mother.  I think it can be interpreted in SO many ways.  Mothers are amazing.  They do everything.  They're the bankers, the EMTs, the chefs, the maids, the sweet snuggles and the list goes on.  So of course, we're women above it all.  We socialize while we run.  We seek out new parental ideas while we run.  We get fit and therefore more able to chase our kids while we run.  In short, we multitask.

As mothers I think that's what we do all the time.  I am never only doing one thing.  I mean, right now, I'm making a grocery list and eating breakfast in between typing and checking on the girls.  It's probably one of the reasons that I have such weird little tangents in my blog.  I think that's probably why I have weird little tangents in my life now that i think about it...

So, without a doubt I am always doing something that revolves around my children.  Even date night could be seen as something I do for them- to solidify my marriage so that my children can have two parents.  Since we've established that I am guilty of child centered multitasking ALL the time, why would I say I've reached the top?  Accomplished the unattainable goal?  Gotten the ungettable get?    *for those who are squeamish, now is the time to turn away...

I sold 12 boxes of girlscout cookies the other day, that's $42 worth of cookies, while... I was getting my brazilian wax.


SpeeDee said...

...and an amazing multitasker you are. Wow, 12 boxes during a wax, I can't even talk during one of those, let alone, solicit! Of course, my hubbie would say that's the only time I don't talk! Rock on you Mother!

PinkAsphaltMama said...

I will never buy Girl Scout Cookies again. Ewww!

(Word verification - restorso! Sounds Brazilian, doesn't it? Or Portugese, really)

gba_gf said...