Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The First week of class is done.  9 to go.  If I was counting, which I am.

I have a very strong opinion about my professor, but I will choose to keep it for myself for a few weeks.  Perhaps I've judged too soon, perhaps I will change my opinion, perhaps...

Any HOO.  She's from the midwest... and she says words that are not grammatically correct... like, putting a T on the end of a word that ends in ck... or... putting a ck on the end of a word that ends in T.  Makes. me. nuts.

And... for a minute there I forgot I was keeping my opinion to myself....  so, where was I?  It's a 16 week course, condensed into 10 weeks.  I knew it was going to be intense.

Perhaps "intense" is not an intense enough word.  No matter WHAT you call it, she has a lot of expectations.  I love expectations, when they're achievable.  But.... for example, she gave us 2 days to read and outline 60 or so pages.  Sure, I can read 60 pages, if there's not going to be a test.  But, there IS going to be a test, so... I'm just saying, she might want to lower her standards, or, come to grips on the fact that I am not the BIONIC student, and neither are the other students in the class.  Yea, go ahead, ask me if I did the reading.  Of course I did, but I really felt that I skimmed it to the point of uselessness.  Next time she gives that assignment on a Monday that's due on Wednesday, I'm going to take really good notes on 50% of the chapter instead of trying to write light notes on 80% of the chapter.


Laurie said...

Ohhh, doesn't sound fun, might be a long semester. Good luck!

Jen said...

Praying for you to be bionic!