Monday, January 23, 2012


I volunteered at the FROSTBITE 15K this weekend.

You know those, "You Know You're A Runner When..." challenges/thoughts Red puts up sometimes?  Well, this weekend was a YKYRinRVAW just waiting to happen.

The Frostbite 15K is traditionally freezing cold, well organized, and fairly competitive.  Not a lot of "noob's" out there running a 9.something mile race in January.  Well, this year was no exception.  It was cold, well organized and fairly competitive.

I knew, given that I've run 2 times in the last 5 weeks, that while I could probably finish the 15K, I would not be competitive (with myself or my A.G.) and would probably injure something.  I must like being cold because... no, no I hate being cold, but I went out in support of my peeps anyway.  About 4 minutes before the start buzzer, the Head course marshal wrangler & the race director came up to me and pulled me off the finish-line and sent me to mile 4.

Mile 4 is a point where you have runners going both ways and 3 streets converge at a busy intersection.

It was my job, with my "co-marshal" to try to keep the runners on course, keep the cars from running over the runners, and to wrangle the intersection.

I was flipped off by one car traveling about 35mph.  Yes I know it's your God Given Right to kill a runner today, consider this my random act of kindness as I attempt to prevent you from ruining your life.

And another car, I managed to slow with some frantic hand waving.  As she pulled past me I got a blast of cigarette smoke in my face... Thank you, that was ~awesome~, as a runner I rarely get to experience that toxic air.... only in Richmond....

These were not the only stupid cars.  Yesterday the folks traveling this area of Richmond were insane.

Or, maybe they're always insane and i just never notice.

That said, my "co marshal" and I had a good time, and just when I thought there wasn't going to be another YKYRinRVAW moment he explained to me why he was volunteering.  I laughed, as he explained he's trying to accrew points in the Grand Prix event.  I explained, "I don't usually run enough races to qualify.  Last year I probably could've won my A.G.  I write for Miles & Minutes, I get a lot of points that way..."

YKYRinRVAW the guy who stands at the intersection with you says ~ "Oh, you're GBA_gf!  You write some good stuff."

Yes, Richmond VA, the smallest city in the universe, where everyone knows your name...

~savor the run~

(and stay safe)


Jen Feeny said...

How cool is that?!??! Congrats on being recognized as the great writer you are and way to give back to the community by volunteering! :)

Pam @ said...

During my long run this weekend, a car rolled by that I swear looked like something out of a Cheech and Chong movie. The smell of pot was UN-FREAKING-MISTAKABLE.

I briefly considered asking them for a ride.

That's awesome that guy recognized you!

Dee said...

I LOVE being a course marshal. The one finger waves, always greeted by my enthusiastic Thanks and a hearty wave and smile makes them wave even more! Was this a pink moment for you with this course marshal??

Marie said...

Why do drivers do THAT? Geez! Great to hear your day as course marshal ended well with a nice recognition! Awesome of you to volunteer for a race and give back!

Char said...

You really got the fun job, didn't you?! Why can't runners and drivers just get along?