Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday G

Happy 6th Birthday G.  Holy smokes, I'm as exhausted as I was the day I gave birth!  Why?  Was it staying up past midnight last night frosting TIE fighter cupcakes & cleaning up from that adventure?  Was it the getting home from my run so I could immediately start running around to the grocery store & the party store?  Was it the dressing in the boobalicious costume?  (which wasn't as bad as I feared)  Was it the 12 balloons, 10 boys, 2 girls for 1.5 hours?  Could be all of the above...

I'm so tired I can't even think of anything clever to say.  Wow.  So here's a few photos instead.  If anyone wants the Tie fighter cup cake "run down", I have a few suggestions for how NOT to do it, but just post a comment and I'll get them to you.

1 comment:

Jen said...

EXHAUSTING just look at them. WOW. This year my son wants a Lego party.... I think that will be pretty easy too.