Monday, October 11, 2010

20 Miler Recap

The 20 went pretty well.  I don't think I was feeling that way IN the moment, but looking back at it I learned some things and had a decent run and FINISHED the run, so over all this is good.  My splits were a little like this ... miles 1-8 9's.  Some of those 9's were like, 9:05.  miles 10-14 10's.  miles 15-20... well, there was a 10... and an 11... and a ~gasp~ 12.  But, cest la vie, it's run and done.  Next time I am going to try to run even splits instead of POSITIVE splits.  The course photographer was out in force so....
Here I am with Braid Girl running along side of the James River.  Isn't it lovely?  (yes I know her name, but she had the prettiest french braid ever.  Blog worthy.  And, AM I really that short?  Really?)

T & I discussing the benefit of slowing down so we're not RIGHT behind the people ahead of us and we can get ONE more photo together before her Marathon next week!
And... T & I got that photo!  

This outfit was the BACKUP plan outfit, incase of "something"... like, skirt tear or sock-tastrophe.  Next 20 I will wear my "OFFICIAL" Marathon outfit for your viewing and approval.  I got my "team shirt" today, and it's too perfect for words as far as the color is concerned.  The length?  Well, it has me concerned a bit.



yes, you are that short. sorry.

p.s. I want those pictures!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Nice job on the 20 miles. Great photos. I like the backup outfit.
Can't wait to see what you have planned for the race outfit!

kat said...

Well done on your twenty, fantastic outfits.

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

You are ADORABLE.. Rock it out sister..

Meredith said...

You girls are too cute! Love the outfits!

Julie D. said...

YA-HOO on the 20. nice job!