Monday, February 15, 2010

Meatless Monday

ODE to Mrs Bunny
a poem dedicated to my son's teacher

Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Last year I spent numerous phone calls and parent teacher conferences listening to a woman who clearly did not appreciate my parenting style, or G's learning needs, go on and on about how difficult he was to teach...
well, have I conveyed how much I love his teacher this year??? No? OK, I will try.

My son G in second grade
is quite smart but needs some aide,
And because my prayers were answered here
a sweet dear teacher he got this year.

Mrs Bunny is the best for him,
(his last year's teacher was kinda grim).
Aptitude is not being met,
But it doesn't bother her, at least not yet.

He's disorganized and quite a mess
But she doesn't mind his uniqueness
She thinks he's great and tells us so
and tells us so and tells us so.

Her diligence is quite essential
as she strives to help him reach potential,
I know for sure that her success
results in his continued awesomeness.

Mrs Bunny is quite dear,
she reminds me of a sweet care bear
A name for her that's on spot
would be "Care Bear! Encourages A Lot!"

Thank You Bunny, all you do,
We could not live a day without you!
You're the best, we give applause!
(we don't miss 1st grade's Awkward Pause!)


RunHapi13 said...

Cheers for Mrs. Bunny! Glad G has a teacher that embraces his uniqueness!

Anne said...

I love when there's a good match with the teacher!

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